Since the employment of massage therapy in our chiropractic clinic in Destin, Florida, the combination treatment of chiropractic care and massage therapy has been very successful. Our typical protocol when using both chiropractic and massage consists of the evaluation and treatment by Destin chiropractor, Dr. Ken Whidden. The chiropractic office treatment can consist of various physiotherapeutic modalities such as electrical muscle stimulation, stretching exercises, ultrasound, cold laser, diathermy, hot packs and traction, prior to the actual adjustment. This is typically followed by a deep tissue massage addressing the specific area of complaint. Our results have been great overall with patient satisfaction being graded very high.
We have been able to take care of serious athletes, fitness enthusiasts, weekend warriors, acute pain patients and people who just want to feel and perform better in their daily lives. Part of living a wellness lifestyle is taking care of the body we were given. If the body is working better and more functionally fit, it is better equipped to deal with the stresses of living in the 21st century. With all the recent talk about health care, it is necessary for everyone to take charge of their own preventative health care strategy. No one cares about your health more than you do.
Most people are unaware that they may have massage therapy benefits associated with their health insurance. All it takes is a telephone call to the insurance company to verify benefits and to better inform the patient what their out of pocket costs may be.
Dr. Whidden is a former U.S. Navy pilot turned chiropractor in Destin, Florida. Emerald Coast Chiropractic, finding solutions to today’s health care issues, Who’s YOUR Chiropractor?
Ken Whidden, DC
Emerald Coast Chiropractic
Therapeutic Massage is one of the best compliments to chiropractic care. Because muscles are attached to bones and joints it is very important for them to be relaxed and stretched to aid in adjustments to the skeletal system. Proper alignment helps to ensure the free flow of nerve impulses and circulation of blood and lymph.
A few lifestyle changes can improve our nation’s health and save our country a lot of money: Eat less food. Eat healthier food. Exercise. Don’t smoke. Get adjusted by your chiropractor. These simple lifestyle choices all have a positive long-term impact on your health and would drastically reduce the cost of nation’s health-care.